Our Team
The word shepherd is used in the bible several times and it always referred to those who look after the congregation. Other words used for shepherds are: Overseers, pastors, elders and bishops. It very important to see the plurality in the charge and not just one individual. (Acts 20:28)
Terry Frizzell
Willie Leonard
Greg Moody
The teaching of the first century Christians can be found in the New Testament, specifically in the book of Acts. If a congregation claims to be Christian this must follow the scriptural pattern of appointing deacons. The very first chapters speaks of the establishment of the church and later on as one reads, there can be found a pattern of how the church was organized. Part of this organization it links to the fact of having deacons.
Richard Beatty Sr
Worship Assignments
Mike Fields
Building & Maintenance
Mike Duhart
Benevolence & Domestic Missions
Miles Davis
Lads 2 Leaders
Jeff Morris
Treasurer & Finances
Terry Frizzell
Pulpit Minister
Terry Frizzell is the Pulpit Minister a the Stuart Church of Christ. Terry has served in this role since 2002. Terry Obtained a degree from the Memphis School of Preaching in 1993.
Terry is married to the former Teri Robertson who works as a nurse at Water’s Edge Dermatology. Together they have two children, Creston Frizzell and Casey Wood. Through Casey and her husband, they also have two grandchildren.
Rich Beatty
Youth & Family Minister
Since April of 2020, Rich Beatty has been the Youth & Family Minister at the Stuart Church of Christ. Previously, Rich served as the Youth Minister at the Beacon Church of Christ in Parsons TN. He served in that role for three years, while pursuing a B.S. in Bible from Freed-Hardeman University.
In August of 2018, Rich married the former Brenna McDowell; Brenna is a Nurse at New Horizons of the Treasure Coast. In July of 2021, Rich and Brenna welcomed their baby girl, Elwood, into the world.